Resetting the Primary Key of a Table
14 May 2013
This quick tip will show how to reset the primary key values for a table in SQL Server.
14 May 2013
This quick tip will show how to reset the primary key values for a table in SQL Server.
14 May 2013
Recently I've been working on a library that would allow direct CRUD operations of any object to the database. The library would detect the types and values of the properties of the classes involved then create Insert, Update, GetAll, and GetById procedures depending on what they find.
06 May 2013
If you've been reading about javascript frameworks then you're probably seen AngularJS. AngularJS is a javascript framework developed by Google. It supports a MVC pattern and handles two-way data binding between the model and the view. Aside from two-way data binding, it also has support for declaring new html syntax, validation, routing, and more. In this post we will talk about the data binding capability.
27 April 2013
Hello, in this post I will show you how to read text files line-by-line using C#.
23 April 2013
In this post I will show you the practical usage of methods with value types and reference types in C#. I have used a console application to run the code I posted here. It might be helpful if you can also create your own console application so you can try the code samples yourself.
22 April 2013
In this post I will show you how to post and access query string values using ASP.NET MVC 3.
22 April 2013
Hi, in this post I will show how the client can communicate with the server using AJAX. Specifically, the client will be using the JQuery library, the server will be running on ASP.NET MVC, and the HTTP Method will be GET.
18 April 2013
In one of our projects we had a requirement to produce a .csv file. In the solution I implemented, I used the StringBuilder class to create the contents of the csv.